Pecha Kucha

Join us at the 10th edition of Pecha Kucha at the Pavilion Downtown!

What on earth is Pecha Kucha?

It's a rapid fire night of creative people presenting their ideas. Saturday night 14 presenters take the the stage for 6 minutes and 40 seconds each. Every presenter shows exactly 20 slides, speaking about each slide for only 20 seconds. The 20x20 theory keeps the night flowing, and and keeps things interesting!

Among the presenters, GPP's Miranda McKee will be speaking alongside Saher Shaikh from  Adopt-a-Camp, about the upcoming exhibition at Gulf Photo plus titled Inside Sajja: A Labor of Light, a project initiated by photographer Karen Dias.

Find out more about the Pecha Kucha night here:

For more about Adopt-a-Camp, go to the Facebook:

Also check out Karen Dias' blog: