Re-inventing Imagery | Abu Dhabi

The Art Jameel Photography Award 2016, with The British Council and Gulf Photo Plus present a free-to-attend, exciting introduction into photographic ‘alternative processes’ as part of the AJPA 2016 theme: Re-inventing Imagery. We encourage submissions to the award, find out more here.


Explore the world of alternative photographic processes, and their potential to re-invent your imagery.

In this seminar, we will cover the basics of the types of chemicals used, and discuss the practical requirements of key alternative processes. We’ll start with a theoretical overview and we will also demonstrate select parts of the process live.


"The eye traffics in feelings, not in thoughts." ― Walker Evans
About the Art Jameel Photography Award 2016: re-inventing imagery.
The AJPA 2016 photography award aims at establishing a platform of creativity through image making which will give opportunities for established  and emerging artists. Artists residing in Saudi and from all over the GCC are encouraged to apply.
This year’s AJPA aims to uncover modes of production and participation in overlapping fields of culture, urbanism and social experimental photography or the use of alternative process techniques of image making. The goal is to encourage artists to break away from the familiar and commercial ways of looking at and using images through art.


In a contemporary context, a framework of rich cultural heritage and contemporaneity in the region will provides a diversity of openings for intellectual dialogue and creative activity, public art work or even object-oriented to site specific work. Adopting a critical way of thinking and experimentation enables a dialogue starting with art; which could translate into economic and societal progress.

No preference is given to any particular kind of photographic material, technique or creative route, nor are any of these excluded from consideration. Artists are encouraged to break boundaries and experiment in all mediums ranging from photography, video, drawing, installation and sculpture etc. By inventing new ways of image making we are also re-inventing ourselves. The award will provide an opportunity for artists to promote their work and further develop their careers.


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