GPP Talks with Lana Slezic | To See is to Believe
GPP proudly presents internationally acclaimed photojournalist Lana Slezic who will join us September 9 at 7:30pm in GPP to share further insight regarding her work as a photojournalist both in Afghanistan as well as Delhi where she currently resides.
Lana Slezic is a Canadian born documentary and portrait photographer who has exhibited and lectured all over the world. She lived in Afghanistan for two years (2004-2006) while working on her book about Afghan women entitled Forsaken. She returned in 2007 to photograph the portrait series entitled"A Window Inside" which will be presented as an exhibition in the GPP the following day after the lecture, September 10 at 7:30pm. Her lecture at GPP will cover both bodies of work and also introduce her new portrait work on street kids in Delhi.